Enjoying School Every Day

When I was a kid, I didn't like school very much. It seemed long and boring, and I couldn't wait for the day to end. However, as I grew up, I realized that there were a lot of things about school that were absolutely precious, such as the chance to further your education and expand your mind. I started focusing more seriously on enjoying school, and it was a really incredible experience. Within a few short months, I was participating more in class, getting better grades, and making more friends in the classes that I was a part of. This blog is all about enjoying school more and more each day.

3 Tips For Succeeding In Accounting School


Being an accountant is a lucrative career path. As an accountant, you can work independently or you can join a company and be a regular employee. As an accountant, you can work with literally any type of business that you want to, from non-profit to the restaurant industry to the glass industry. With a career that presents with so many opportunities and potential, you want to make sure that you focus while in accounting school so that you can succeed in your career.

#1 Preview Material Before Class

Your syllabus doesn't just let you know when assignments are due; your syllabus is also a great study guide. Before you go to each class, you should read through the material that is going to be covered that day.

Don't just skim the material either. Take the time to read over the entire chapter or section that will be covered in class. Just read it through the first time. Then, read it again and take notes about the key concepts and write down questions about concepts that you don't understand.

Going over the material before class will help you better understand and absorb the material during class. You will be familiar with the terms and information that will be presented, and you will be able to gain a deeper understanding from the lecture.  You will also be more positioned to ask questions about concepts you don't understand.

#2 Focus on the Basics

The thing with any accounting class you take is that each concept that you learn is going to build upon each other. Those basic concepts in chapter one are going to be important building blocks for more complex ideas in chapter four and five.

Do not rush through the coursework. Make sure that you understand and can do all the problems and work within each chapter. If you don't get all the answers right on your homework or on a quiz or test, go back, review the material, and rework the problems until you get it right.

If you are not able to do the math or solve the problems easily in the beginning chapters, you are going to struggle as the class advances. Accounting is like math; you need the basic building blocks in order to advance.

#3 Make Sure You Understand the Why

Finally, make sure that you understand the why behind the concepts that you are learning, not just the math. As an accountant, your job is not just to do math problems for your clients, your job is to explain important financial concepts to your clients and, depending on the nature of your job, to make important decisions based on the information that you are working with.

If you want to succeed in accounting class, you need to preview the material before each class so you are able to clearly understand and comprehend what you are being taught during class. You need to focus on the basics, and make sure that you understand how to do the math for each concept that is introduced. You also need to understand the why behind each math concepts, because accounting is not just about math, it is about reasoning and making important decisions. Following these tips will help you succeed in accounting classes.


5 September 2018